Studies in Spirituality Annual Journal

The Titus Brandsma Institute publishes an annual journal "Studies in Spirituality" which has become a crucial international voice in the study of spirituality.

The purpose of Studies in Spirituality is to publish academic and specialist articles on spirituality and mysticism, and thus promote spirituality as an academic discipline with a specific object and methodology – a discipline in continuous dialogue with other sciences that may assist in clarifying questions and problems in spirituality.

The latest edition has been published (32/2022-23) and contains the following articles:

Editorial – In memoriam Prof. Dr. Em. Kees Waaijman o.carm (1942–2023)       1

Rossano Zas Friz de Col
Experience and Transformation in the Christian Lived Experience – An Interpretation    5

Macario Ofilada Mina
Religatio as Process of Projection of Spirituality – The Act as Happening in Modality    35

Christoph Jedan
Death, Spirituality, and a New Contextualised Model of Consolation 61

Jane Foulcher
Marguerite Porete, Annihilation and Trauma – Some Cautions 87

Markus Riedenauer
Krise des Unverfügbaren – Zur spirituellen Relevanz von Hartmut Rosas Resonanztheorie         101

Diego Fonti & Rodrigo Baudagna
The Moth and the Fire – A Reappraisal of Levinas’ Thought on Mysticism and Suffering         129

Inigo Bocken
Mystical Not-Knowing as a School of Thought     153

Francesco Zannini
The Process of Islamization of Asia and the Role of Sufism     173

Robin Moens
In Christi charitate diligere studebat – The Twelfth- and Thirteenth-Century Mulieres Religiosae and Charity: a Secret Love?       191

Huguette Huyghe
The Rule of St. Birgitta of Vadstena – A Dynamic-Structural Analysis        217

Catharina Al
Language as a Unifier in Catherine of Siena’s Mystic Works   247

Krijn Pansters
Spirituality as Process – Four Dimensions of Following Christ in The Imitation of Christ         287

Ad Poirters
Liturgical Sources in De Imitatione Christi 303

Chloe Lynch
‘A Friend Even Though He is Lord’ – Teresa of Avila and the Soul’s Relationship with God         337

Benedict Shoup
John of the Cross’s Spiritual Senses Revisited – A Study in the Epistemology and the Interpersonal Dynamics of Spiritual Sensation in St. John of the Cross        353

Peter Puleo
Neque Nihil – Annihilation in Benet of Canfield’s Rule of Perfection          375

Roman Gruijters
La sainte indifférence in François de Sales, Père Joseph, and Jeanne de Chantal – Indifference as a Mystical Virtue and a Christian Way of Life   399

Michael Plekon
Merton: Stranger or at Home – Alternations and a Vision         423

Essays on Books  439

Book Notices       459

On the Authors     485

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