The Carmelite Institute of Britain and Ireland (CIBI) was established as an independent charitable Trust by a Deed dated 6th February 2006. It is a collaborative venture between the British Province of Carmelites, the Irish Province of Carmelites and the Anglo-Irish Province of Discalced Carmelites. The Trust holds Irish Revenue Commissioners charitable status (Charity No: CHY 16842) and is a registered charity in Ireland (Charities Regulatory Authority Number 20061562).
The principal objectives of the Trust, as provided in the Deed of Trust, are as follows:
- To promote, set-up and encourage Carmelite Studies by offering courses and awards in Carmelite Studies to members of the Carmelite Family and others interested in the said Family, taking into account Carmelite spirituality,
- To provide a support network to students and scholars of Carmelite Studies by taking or supporting initiatives which support Carmelite Studies, and
- To publish and sponsor study days and retreats and the endowment of fellowships or lectureships for the purpose of advancing religion in Ireland, Great Britain and such countries throughout the world as the Trustees shall decide.
The affairs of the Trust are governed by three Trustees, who are the Provincial Superiors of the Irish Province of Carmelites, the Anglo-Irish Province of Discalced Carmelites and the British Province of Carmelites.
The Executive Committee support the management of the Institute, and facilitate decision-making between Trustee meetings, or in urgent circumstance. The Executive Committee reports to the Trustees through the Committee Chairperson.
The undergraduate and postgraduate Academic Boards meet annually, and an external examiner is engaged to independently verify the academic integrity of the assessment of programmes.

Fr. Simon Nolan O.Carm
Provincial of the Order of Carmelites in Ireland

Fr. Brendan Grady O.Carm
Provincial of the Order of Carmelites in the United Kingdom

Fr. Jim Noonan O.C.D.
Provincial of the Anglo-Irish province of Discalced Carmelites
Executive Committee

Lucy Franks

Sr. Áine Hayde HFB

Br. Richard Green O.Carm