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Carmel Saints – October Feast Days

Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus (Thérèse of Lisieux) – 01 October

Popularly known today as “the Little Flower,” Thérèse Martin was born in Alencon in France in 1873. Whilst still young she entered the Discalced Carmel of Lisieux, where she lived in the greatest humility and evangelical simplicity and confidence in God. By word and example she taught the novices these same virtues. Offering her life for the salvation of souls and the spread of the Church, she died after a long and painful illness on September 30th 1897. She was canonized in 1925 and successive popes have referred to her as “the greatest saint of modern times.” She was declared a Doctor of the Church by Pope John Paul II in 1997. She is co-patroness of the Missions and secondary patron of France.
God our Father,
you promised your kingdom
to those who are willing to become like little children.
Help us to follow the way of St Thérèse with confidence
so that by her prayers
we may come to know your eternal glory.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Scripture Readings
Isaiah 66:10-14c; 1John 4:7-16; Gospel – Matthew 11:25-30 or 18:1-4.

Saint Teresa of Jesus (Teresa of Avila) – 15 October

Teresa was born in Avila in Spain in 1515. She entered the Carmelites and made great progress in the way of perfection and was granted mystical revelations. Wishing to share in the spiritual renewal of the Church of her time, she began to live her religious life more ardently and soon attracted many companions, to whom she was like a mother. She also helped in the reform of the friars, and in this had to endure great trials. She wrote books which are renowned for their depth of doctrine and which showed her own spiritual experiences. She died at Alba in 1582. After her death the reform she began eventually separated from the Carmelite Order to become the Order of Discalced Carmelites.
by your Spirit you raised up St Teresa of Jesus
to show your Church the way of perfection.
May her inspired teaching
awaken in us a longing for true holiness.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Scripture Readings
Wisdom 7:7-14; Romans 8:14-14, 26-27; Gospel – John 7:14-18, 37-39a.
Texts taken from the “Carmelite Proper of the Liturgy of the Hours,” Institutum Carmelitanum, Rome: 1993.
Images courtesy of the Carmelnet webmaster, U.S.A.